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Look instantly slimmer!

Time 2012-4-22    Source:

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose a few pounds, but one thing we should emphasise is that what you see at the movies and in the mags is an optical illusion brought about by the use of smoke and mirrors (air-brushing mainly).

Dawn French was right on the money when she said: “If I had been around when Rubens was painting, I would have been revered as a fabulous model.  Kate Moss?  Well, she would have been the paintbrush.”

So, while you’re working on getting into shape and dropping a few pounds, here are ten simple tips that will help you to love yourself the way you are right now:


1. Standing up straight makes you look taller and when you look taller you pretty much always look slimmer. So, next time you catch yourself slumping, pull your shoulders back and stand (or sit) up straight. If you would like some exercises to help with your posture talk to our coaches and they will be pleased to work with you.


2. Because they absorb the light, dark neutral colours - black is the obvious one - have always been slimming. Nothing has changed.


3. Wearing the same coloured shirt and trousers or blouse and skirt (preferably dark) also elongates the body’s appearance and makes you look slimmer. Different shades of the same colour works too.


4. Men: keeping your hair short and well trimmed will show your neck and make you seem taller and slimmer. Hair up has the same effect for ladies.


5. Ladies: They may not always be comfortable, but heels definitely give the impression of long sexy legs. If you’re wearing trousers, try to match the shoe and trouser colour.


6. Men: A tie at half-mast makes you look a little heavier; the tip of your tie should reach the waistband of your trousers.


7. Because they divide the body into vertical sections, stripes are slimming; hoops (or horizontal stripes as they’re now known) have the opposite effect.


8. Here’s an interesting tip for ladies. Try wearing a man’s watch every so often - makes your wrists look slimmer. Unfortunately the reverse isn’t true for men.


9. Don’t wear baggy clothes - we know you think they hide your wobbly bits but they don’t, they actually highlight them. By the same token don’t go into denial and wear clothes that are too small either.


10. See yourself the way you would like to be, develop a positive self-image, accentuate your assets - yes you have got some - and, whatever they are, flaunt them.

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