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Fitness. Feeling Good.

Time 2012-4-18    Source:

There is nothing more important than feeling good, because when you feel good your energy levels are high and when your energy levels are high, anything and everything is possible. Here are eightways that you can create the good factor and get the best from your day.

1. The role of sleep in the health and wellbeing equation is currently in the spotlight. And all of the research is saying pretty much the same thing: If you don’t sleep well,you don’t function well. Place a high value on your sleep and try to get at least seven hours a night. By the way, the best sleep often comes before midnight.

2. When you do emerge from your pit, make sure that you have a good breakfast. Some people have taken a good breakfast to mean a big breakfast - mistake. A big breakfast just loads you up with calories for the day. By a good breakfast we mean something likecereal (check it’s not loaded with sugar)- porridge, All Bran or Weetabix are all good options - an egg on toast, or some fruit and low fat yoghurt.

3. They call it the “runners’ high” but you don’t have to be a runner to get it. When you exercise you produce endorphins, which resemble opiates in their ability to produce a feeling of wellbeing.Any day you workout is a good day.

4. Another good way of making your endorphins come out to play is to deliberately build laughter into your life. You may have a Ricky Gervais double managing your office, in which case, just sit back and enjoy, but if not, load some of your favourite comedy sketches onto your MP3 player and watch or listen to them for 10 minutes a day, every day. Try doing the same with inspirational speeches and motivational messages. Feed your soul with laughter and inspiration and you’ll be surprised at how life unfolds.

6. If you’re in a reasonably sedentary job, then it’s really important to get up and move regularly. A few minutes on your feet plus some simple stretches will not only kick start your physiology, but recent studies show it helps with weight loss.

7. Michael Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced chick sent me high) talks about the state of flow. He describes it as “feeling totally in control without thinking about it.”That time when you are so absorbed in something that time just stands still. Doing a little of something you love is guaranteed to get you in the flow and make you feel good.

8. Another way of getting the most from your day is to take the odd power nap.We all have periods when our energy is low, that’s the time to put a 10 minute nap in. Just close your eyes and relax all of the major muscle groups in your body. Start with your jaw, which is often clenched tight, then your shoulders, which are usually somewhere around your ears - work all the way down to your feet and toes.

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